Secondary boys college Est. in 1950


Principal's Update 1 September 2023

Dear Members of the Marcellin College Community,

I recently had the privilege of being involved in the 2024 College Captain and Vice Captain interviews. I am always impressed with the way students articulate a vision and share some of their hopes and dreams for the College. This year we have had many applications for our Student Leadership positions and I have been buoyed by the quality of their applications and interviews. Each student that I spoke to was able to articulate what it is to be in a Marist school and the legacy that has been left to us by our founder and namesake, St Marcellin Champagnat. I was impressed with each of the applicants and there will be some difficult deliberations over the weekend. 

These interviews highlight the planning that has commenced for 2024. Along with subject choices, classes and staffing for 2024, we are also continuing to work on our College’s Continuous Improvement Plan 2024 - 2027. As a College, we are looking at some bold, yet achievable goals and I look forward to sharing the ways in which we aim to continually improve aspects of our College. A central part of the change will be our move to Compass as a 'one-stop-shop' for all student information. Each students' learning program will be available for our parents as will the expectation we have set for homework, classwork and behaviour. A new initiative that has started this year are our Champagnat Credits - these are positive behaviours that are witnessed by staff. We hope to expand this soon so that parents will be notified each time one of our students receives a commendation. 

As we get to the pointy end of the term, I encourage you to speak to your sons about the amount of homework they may (or may not be) doing. At Year 7 and 8, we would expect at least one hour a night on average, and this grows as students move up year levels. While there are times where homework may slow, please speak to your son’s teachers if you are concerned about their homework. It is important that students create good learning routines and practises – this starts from when they first enter the College. My recent discussion with some of my students in my Pastoral Group reminded me that a good study timetable is essential in building good routines and schedules. Too much homework can sometimes be just as worrying as not enough homework. Please reach out to subject teachers if you are concerned. 

This weekend we celebrate Father’s Day, so I thought it was fitting I finish with a prayer for our fathers: 

Loving God, 
We come before you with hearts full of gratitude for the gift of fatherhood.
We remember St. Marcellin Champagnat, who dedicated his life to educating and caring for the young, 
and we ask for his intercession as we lift up our fathers to your loving care. 
Bless all fathers with wisdom and patience, that they may be good role models and sources of inspiration for their children. 
Just as St. Marcellin Champagnat saw the potential in each young person he encountered, 
may fathers recognise the unique gifts within their children and encourage them to grow in faith, knowledge, and love. 
Help them to foster an environment of compassion, forgiveness, and understanding within their households.
Lord, we also remember those fathers who may be facing difficulties or hardships. 
For those who are absent, grant healing and reconciliation. 
For those who are struggling, provide them with the support they need to overcome their challenges. 
Heavenly Father, we entrust all fathers to your loving care. 
May they find strength in their relationship with you and draw inspiration from the life of St. Marcellin Champagnat. 
Bless them abundantly in their vocation as fathers and guide them along the path of righteousness. 
We ask this through Christ our Lord. 

Marco Di Cesare

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