Secondary boys college Est. in 1950
The College has taken up the challenge issued by Pope Francis to protect our common home and to bring humanity together to seek a sustainable way forward for future generations to come.
Sustainability at the College
Pope Francis writes:
“We received this world as an inheritance from past generations, but also as a loan from future generations, to whom we will have to return it!”
- Meeting with political, business and community leaders, Quito, Ecuador, July 7, 2015
Through education and discourse about how we come together to protect and look after the future of our planet, we know through our College community we can play, which in turn, has the potential to influence beyond the sphere of the school alone.
We have implemented initiatives that we hope will encourage others to follow suite, including a Clean Up Marcellin weekly challenge by House. Students, together with their Pastoral Groups, clean up the grounds of the College along with our maintenance team.
We have installed LED lights in most classrooms and remove waste bins from them. Different waste streams are located around the College to ensure we are recycling right.
We are progressively planting local native species around the College, while also looking to partner with external groups to help us certify our sustainability program.
Read more about Laudato si’ here.