a group of boys in school suits

Secondary boys college Est. in 1950

Years 7 - 9

YEARS 7 - 9

At Marcellin College students in Years 7 – 9 experience a broad range of subjects across different learning areas. The curriculum is designed to ensure that students can build strong fundamental skills, as well as experience new learning areas, to broaden their horizons and truly explore and chase their potential.

Two school boys are impressed by a concoction on a bunsen burner

learning & teaching

Year 7 Core Subjects

Year 7 promotes a contemporary approach to learning that draws on the Victorian Curriculum learning areas and is rooted in an understanding of differentiated and personalised learning practices as well as strong feedback mechanisms.

Core subjects in Year 7 include: Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Health and Physical Education, as well as a choice of two Languages offered at the College. Your son will also experience semester-based subjects in areas such as The Arts, Music, Technology and Digital Technology.


learning & teaching

Year 8 Core Subjects

The Year 8 curriculum also draws from the Victorian Curriculum learning areas and continues to focus on the development of important foundational skills and wide experiences. Here student learning opportunities continue to broaden through offering additional subjects in The Arts and Technology areas.  

Core subjects include: Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Health and Physical Education, and students identify a focus language from those trialled in Year 7.

learning & teaching

Year 9 Core Subjects

At Year 9, students can select subjects in the development of their program of study, allowing them to take greater ownership of their learning journey, and to identify options that reflect their strengths and areas of interest.  

Adding this to a core program of studies in English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Language and Religious Education helps students to build a personalised course of study and begins a focus on preparing them for their senior years of study.

For more details about courses and subjects, please refer to the latest Years 7 – 9 Course Guide.

years 7 - 9