a group of women posing for a photo

Secondary boys college Est. in 1950


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volunteering at the college

Marcellin College values volunteers' integral role in supporting our young men during their time at the College. Join us in our mission of inspiring young men to be compassionate and responsible members of society.

a woman organising a rack of uniforms

volunteering at the college

Available Opportunities

The Volunteers in our community have established a proud link between families, students and the College which continues to provide enormous benefits. If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer, you can see our available opportunities on our Volunteer Application Portal.

Teachers in safety vests lead a class session with students

volunteering at the college

Current Volunteer Groups

There are many wonderful opportunities offered at Marcellin College for parents and carers participation and we would like to welcome you to join our enthusiastic cohort of volunteers.

Read our Volunteer Flyer

Current volunteer groups at the College include:

  • Canteen Volunteers
  • Sports Officials
  • Uniform Shop Attendants
  • Parents & Friends Group
  • Business & Community Network
  • Rugby Support Group
  • Friends of Music & Performing Arts
  • General Volunteer
A man and student working on a latop

volunteering at the college

Working with Children Check

All volunteers at Marcellin College must have a volunteer Working with Children Check. Prior to commencing your application for volunteer work, you will need to obtain a Working with Children Volunteer Check nominating Marcellin College as your volunteer organisation. This can be obtained here.

If you already have a Working with Children Check (WCC) you simply need to update the details on the Working with Children’s Check website by logging into your account and selecting the change details option. On this screen, you can alter personal information and edit the organisations you have listed to include Marcellin College. After completing this, you can commence the Marcellin College volunteer application process.

Start your Volunteer Application here.