Secondary boys college Est. in 1950


Principal's Blog 6th April

Dear Members of the Marcellin College Community,

It was certainly an action-packed first term that saw our newest members of the community – our Year 7 students – settle into life as a Marcellin College student. We can sometimes take for granted the knowledge and routines that come from years of experience. Given the last few years, we are all re-learning these routines and I am grateful to our senior students for the leadership they have demonstrated in supporting our newest group this term.

You will have noticed a renewed focus on academics at the College this year. We have been clearer in our messaging about homework and for many of our Pastoral Leaders, this was a message we reiterated in our first Pastoral Leader Conferences. This was an important update for us that has been mentioned in a previous newsletter as well as via Compass. As we continue to work with our new learning management system, Compass, more features will begin to appear that will keep our parents appraised of student goals, work and homework. It is important that we continue to improve so that our students ‘strive for the highest’.

There were many events held throughout the term across different areas. Our latest group returned this week from the Marist Basketball Carnival in Adelaide. They represented our College with distinction and were undefeated until the finals. Well done to our students and to Mr Brett Atley, Mr Adrian Tomada and Mr Ben Reynolds for supporting our young men in the lead-up to this significant week.

I was able to spend some time at the MSAC AGSV Swimming Carnival last week. We had several students swim their personal best and there was certainly an energy among both our students and staff. My thanks to the staff involved in all the preparations for this event and especially to our team coach, Mr David Bellis, for his constant support of the program and our students.

Our Open Day last Sunday was a great success. We had more than 800 people come through our gates and despite the downpour just a few days before, the grounds looked great. There was a large contingent of students who volunteered on the day and I was pleased on how they presented themselves and the College with our prospective families. They are wonderful ambassadors of and for our College.

As we head into these Easter holidays, I pray that our community takes some time to reflect on their successes this term. Easter is a time of hope for Christians – a time for rejoicing and rebirth. It gives us an opportunity to truly understand the resurrection and what it means for us this Easter season, how we can celebrate our achievements and embrace the new beginnings with positivity and optimism.

As we conclude Term 1, we keep our Rugby Team in our prayers as they head over to Fiji to practice against a number of our Marist and other schools in Fiji. We will return in late April to our newly renovated Chirat Learning Centre located on the lower level of the Placidus Resources Centre and a busy Term 2. However, all the while over the holidays we will see a continuation of our building upgrades, rehearsals for our 2023 musical, Rock of Ages, AFL practice games and lots of cleaning and general maintenance.

I wish you all a safe and restful term break and blessed Easter.
God bless.

Marco Di Cesare

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