Secondary boys college Est. in 1950


Principal's Update 22 March 2024

Dear Members of the Marcellin College Community,

This past week has been a solemn one for us at the College as we bid farewell to Connor Whyte, our 2023 College Captain, on Monday. St Marcellin’s Hall, typically filled with lively activities, was instead a space for reflection as we honoured Connor alongside his family and friends. Connor's impact on our community has been profound and his legacy will continue to inspire us. Below, our 2024 College Captains share a brief reflection on his remarkable life.

As student leaders, we were deeply inspired by Connor in his passion for Marcellin College and the Community. Having all worked closely with him during his final year at the College, we appreciated the spirit and insight he shared, particularly his vision for the College, which we proudly carry on into our roles to further develop. His unwavering commitment was seen in all aspects of the College, from leadership, to co-curricular; every student knew Connor, even if they had not worked with him. Connor’s funeral on Monday was an example of the true Marcellin College community. The staff, students and parents of the community came together to celebrate the life of a truly exceptional young man. The guard of honour in particular was a special moment for everyone involved, us included. The silence as hundreds of people stood in honour of Connor was nothing short of amazing. In his passing, just as in his life, Connor managed to bring the community together.

As the Student College Leadership Team, we, together with our peers extend our deepest sympathies and prayers for the Whyte family. We will continue to celebrate and honour a remarkable member of our community who will never be forgotten.

2024 College Captains

In other news, we recently held our annual Open Day, welcoming prospective families to explore our campus, meet our dedicated staff and experience firsthand why we aim to be a leader in boys’ education. I extend my gratitude to our students who guided these families and addressed their inquiries throughout the day with such pride and confidence.

As the AGSV Summer Sport season concluded last weekend, our teams showcased admirable performances in the 1st Basketball and 1st Cricket finals despite facing formidable opponents. While the outcomes may not have been as desired, I am immensely proud of our athletes for their dedication and achievements this season. I also had the honour of attending the AGSV Swimming Carnival last Friday, where our swimmers demonstrated resilience and sportsmanship against fierce competition. To all participants throughout the season, thank you for embodying the spirit of excellence.

As we approach Easter, let us embrace the spirit of renewal and hope that the season brings. In these challenging times filled with conflicts globally and many issues closer to home, let us strive to choose goodness over adversity, hope over despair and righteousness over wrongdoing. May we find fresh energy to pursue our dreams and the courage to face challenges with a renewed sense of purpose to grow, learn and lead.

I trust we all have a safe and rejuvenating break.
God Bless

Marco Di Cesare

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