Secondary boys college Est. in 1950
Learning & Teaching Term 1
As Term 1 comes to a close, it is a great time to reflect on all the achievements it has brought.
In Learning & Teaching this term we have been focused on embedding high expectations following the disruptions of recent years, and we have implemented new processes to encourage students to apply themselves fully and strive for the highest. I have shared with you previously a snapshot of our expectations in regard student achievement around assessment. This is part of broader work that we are currently doing to ensure that our assessment and feedback procedures, and our curriculum, provide the best information and opportunities for the ongoing learning of our students.
We are currently reviewing how our assessment information is presented to families, based on feedback received through numerous forums. We have also been doing significant work on the structure of our Year 9 and 10 curriculum and I look forward to sharing more of this with you next term.
Our Year 9 and 10 curriculum needs to provide students with continuing opportunities to progress their skills in an age appropriate, and a personalised way, so as to give the best foundation for pathways through the final years. This has led us to re-evaluate the way we deliver learning at Years 9 and 10, and though we will continue to offer choice, families and students will notice some more emphasis on year level related studies and core subjects, particularly at Year 9.
Term 2 will mark the beginning of our subject and pathway selection processes for 2024, so more detail on this work will be given as we begin this process.
At the beginning of the year, we introduced a new student management system at the College. Compass is not yet being used to its full, with a focus this term on attendance and developing or understanding of its capacity to record and inform about attendance.
Compass is now displaying Term 1 progress reports for all students. Over time, more sections of Compass will start to be used. During term 2 we will be looking to move information about excursions, incursions and school activities to Compass, slowly migrating away from Consent2Go. Ultimately, we hope that the consolidation to one system will assist students and families in managing school communication and requirements.
That said, MyMC will continue to be available into Term 2 and beyond. While the MyMC application on your phones is being phased out, access to MyMC will continue through a Compass link (or directly) via your web browser. MyMC continues to hold information relevant to learning and assessment.
NAPLAN has been completed for 2023. It was not an easy process, and I would like to commend our Year 7 and Year 9 students. We encountered some technical problems – stemming from NAPLAN themselves – during the completion of the Numeracy test, which meant that it took longer than we had hoped. The Year 7 and Year 9 students approached this with quiet efficiency and stepped up when asked to complete the task at hand. It is disappointing when things like this do not go as smoothly as they can and while students were not disadvantaged in the long run, the uncertainty and changed timing would have been a challenge for some students. Mr Edwards, Mr McCormack and I have relayed our disappointment that this occurred to NAPLAN’s administrating body.
Over the Easter Break
As we move into the term break, I encourage our students to take some time to reflect on their achievements this term and set new goals for the future. While it is indeed important to spend time with family, rest and rejuvenate, for our senior students in particular, this must be balanced with taking some time to consolidate work from Term 1 and prepare for Term 2.
Some things students should consider during the upcoming break:
- Catch up on notes.
- Revise content covered.
- Summarise important content from topics completed
- Does your son have a summary book?
- As exams approach, reviewing a year’s worth of content will be difficult unless it is organised into smaller, manageable chunks.
- A summary book contains just key points about content covered and provides a quick check or review source.
- Preview textbook chapters/upcoming content.
- Look at sample exams
It is never too early to preview the final Unit 3&4 exams. Though students may not yet be able to answer all the questions or sections, it is an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the spread and type of questions asked, and the depth of knowledge and skills required.
Past Unit 3&4 exams are publicly available at www.vcaa.vic.edu.au

Suzanne Farley
Deputy Principal Learning & Teaching
Principal's Welcome