Secondary boys college Est. in 1950
Principal's Update 15 September 2023
Dear Members of the Marcellin College Community,
"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
This African proverb has played out many times over the last fortnight as many of our students participated in our Student Leadership Selection Process. It was a privilege to be involved in many of these interviews and we continue to finalise positions.
Leadership is about influence. It involves tapping into intrinsic motivation and creating a sense of purpose. When our students are able to understand the impact of their actions and believe that their time is well invested, they are more likely to take action. Whether it is students or staff, trust plays a crucial role in this process. People follow leaders they trust, not necessarily because they like them, but because they can see the leader making tough decisions that they respect. Building trust is essential.
As many of our students articulated, leadership is not just about a position. We all need to demonstrate leadership regardless of our role in the College. Importantly, at Marcellin College, leadership is also about service. A successful servant leader listens to other people, empathises with the hardships and challenges of others, is committed to win-win-win situations, and builds true friendships wherever he goes.
I am delighted to introduce our new College Captains for 2024. They have demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities and a commitment to our school community. We look forward to their positive impact in the coming year.
Re-enrolment Process
We have begun timetabling our 2024 classes and budgeting for next year. As you would appreciate, it is crucial that we have accurate student and staff numbers. This impacts not only current year levels but also prospective places we can offer. Therefore, we will be implementing a re-enrolment process for 2024 that many neighbouring schools have as current practice. Families will soon be receiving details via our finance team about this. All students re-enrolling will be required to reaffirm the enrolment agreement and College policies and pay a $500 re-enrolment fee, of which $400 will be deducted from your 2024 fees. The will need to be completed by the end of October.
World's Greatest Shave
Yesterday, we came together for the World's Greatest Shave and raised more than $17,000! Congratulations to the brave young men who supported our efforts by raising funds for the Leukaemia Foundation. Along with our parent hairdressers, a representative from the Leukaemia Foundation came to the College to watch and support the shaving. Thank you to all staff and students involved.
As we finish yet another busy term and look forward to a well-earned rest, I would like to commend students on a successful Term 3. A reminder that how you finish the term is as equally important to how you to start it. As we look forward to Term 4 please talk to your children about our expectations of them and to always keep our College motto of striving for the highest at the forefront. I look forward to seeing you all in the new term.
Have a safe break and God bless.
Marco Di Cesare
Principal's Welcome